Henceforth not only internationally but also in Greece there is an explicit dynamic for the growth of P/V applications. Not only the law N. 3468/2006 but also the various programs of subsidy decisively strengthen this growth. The profits in the networks of electrification and the society from the P/V applications will be multiple.
The initially circuitry and for many disappointing processes of permit regarding a P/V project, tends after
related pressure and maturation of the model growth of these works generally to be constantly simplified with explanations and less time-consuming processes for the completion of a P/V investment.
The people of WATTAL collectedly and with optimism from the beginning of 2006 find ourselves in continuous vigilance and inform our customers for any development, as up to the beginning of 2009 we achieved in collecting a remarkable number of applications for obtaining the permit of production of electric energy from photovoltaics which exceeds the 3 MWp of total wattage, in all Greece. Many of the proposals that were deposited for evaluation in the Energy Controlling Authority are already under positive evaluation and in 2009 the first infrastructures of P/V parks are expected to set forth from our company.
Our company as an extension of German and Austrian companies that are recognized in the field of photovoltaics in Europe and possessing all the essential ISO certificates that the Greek Developmental Law requires so that a company of photovoltaic infrastructures can have a positive evaluation of her offers, specializes in the planning, the construction, the supply and the operation of P/V infrastructures.
The equipment and the elements that compose a P/V station are selected from appreciable constructors of the market resulting in the ideal performance of our structures. Our collaborators abroad and our company have, up to now, installed P/V stations with installed wattage above 40MWp in all Europe.
Photovoltaics – Advantages
Apart from the obvious advantages of P/V that is, that they utilize the solar power for direct production
of solar energy the following should also be marked:
> They are subsidized by the Developmental Law up to 40%.
> With the particularly attractive price of sale of produced KWh which ranges from 0.45f to 0,50f an impressive depreciation time is achieved which varies between five and six years.
> Ensured contracts for 20 years with the National Electrical Company for the sale of produced electricity.
> Small powers connected in the network of low voltage with production of electric energy that is used directly for consumption without losses of transport, supporting the voltage of a weak network.
> The reduction of losses of the network, with the production in the location of the consumption contributes to the extenuation of the lines and in the time permutation of the investments that support the network.
> The produced electric energy contributes to the service during the day and particularly of the so major for the network peak hour of the afternoon during the estival months due to air conditioners or increased tourism.
> The P/V frames, with their magnificent stylish appearance, can be harmoniously included in the building shell for example, on the roofs or in facades under the shade of a clear space and constitute
architectural elements.
> The growth of the market will create new posts of employment for the applications in all the country, with new enterprising, commercial and industrial activities.
> The domestic P/V applications have primarily one important social, economic and developmental dimension for the production and use of solar energy from the consumers themselves, and circumstantially investing, which leads to a viable growth with the direct participation of the citizen.
> The P/V applications contribute to the support of the tourist sector for a better environment and ecological tourism particularly in the islands.
> Growth of economic activities with intense contribution to developmental, environmental (reduction of emissions of CO2) and social objectives (new posts of employment etc.).
> Contribution to the safety of the supply of energy and to the reduction of dependence from oil and natural gas.